Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Welcome to The Recipe Rut Buster!

Calvin Dinner gif

Calling on all busy & stressed Mom's (and some Dad's =))!!
Do you know what your cook'en for dinner tonight??
Is it the same old, same old? Are you grimacing at the thought of hearing your kids (and maybe spouse) say, "Oh, not THAT again!" LOL!
Are you taxing your brain to think of or find something new, yet simple and quick to fix?

Well, that is why I have started this side blog! I hate being in a recipe rut, and most of us are in a deep one! HA! Yet it can take too much time and sometimes waisted effort to find and prepare a new dish. At first I was going to just incorporate some recipes we enjoy into my regular blog, but after much thought , I decided it would be more fun to have one dedicated to just recipe sharing.

I want to set this up where YOU ALL CONTRIBUTE to the recipes posted here...this is a GROUP effort! The types of recipes I am looking for need to be:

1. Some what simple (not gourmet or complicated)
2. Have common ingredients
3. Fairly quick to prepare
4. One you have tried & enjoy

All you need to do to submit recipes, is e-mail me at: Please include your name, any tips and where you got the recipe from or if you came up with it yourself. If at all possible, I would like pics of the prepared dish. Folks usually like to see what the finished results look like. If you don't have a pic, you could always take a few close up pics when you prepare it for dinner and then attach them to the e-mail with your recipe. I will then add them to the list of recipes needing posted. (I reserve the right to edit & reformat any submitted recipe contributions, to be in keeping with blog intent)

I plan on posting at least one recipe a week. The recipes will be season appropriate, i.e., grilled recipes will be posted in Summer-Fall months and soup recipes will be posted Fall-Winter months and so on. There will be a labels list on the side bar so you can quickly find recipes for a specific food. One important factor will be COMMENTS! Please be sure to leave (tactful) comments on the recipes you try. This is helpful for those wondering if others liked the recipe as well. I will also post short tips and any food info I come across that I find interesting to keep it fun!

Now for all those out there who are going to start ranting about me having time to do ANOTHER blog, don't even start! LOL! I actually have a lot of recipes already saved in my favorites file that I can just copy & paste. For those I don't, well, I have been saying for years I am going to type them up so I can print them and actually put them in the recipe binders that are sitting empty in my cupboards! LOL! Sooooo maybe it will help me finally start a never accomplished project! =) At any rate, I still need PARTICIPATION here! =)

Let the Recipes Begin!

Calvin Dinner 1
Sorry, Calvin's dinner woes are just too funny to pass up! LOL!
Hopefull these great new recipes will put a smile on kids face and
make for quick eating at the dinner table! Ha!


John said...

Mmmmmm, this makes me hungry!!

Calvin is my all time favorite little psycho!

Lost in FWA said...

Yes honey, I put Calvin on there just for your enjoyment! Haha!
